Florence Gazeau (Physicist, senior CNRS scientist, 52 years old, female) received her PhD in solid state physics from Université Paris Diderot in 1997. Since 2016, she is deputy director of Matière et Systèmes Complexes Lab (MSC, CNRS and Université Paris Cité), gathering more than 160 people at the interface of Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Medecine.

Her group, MSC Med (msc-med.u-paris.fr/), is dedicated to nanomedicine translational research and bioengineering innovation on the Campus Saint Germain site in Paris, regrouping about 40 people from different disciplines and nationalities, together with a spin-off company (Everzom) and the industrial integrator ‘bioproduction/biotherapy’ IVETh dedicated to extracellular vesicles and nanovectors for diagnostic and precision therapy (iveth.u-paris.fr/). She is author of 200 international publications in high impact factor interdisciplinary journal with more than 16000 citations. She is co-inventor of 8 patent applications, 4 of which have been licensed to spin-off companies EVerZom and EVORA Bioscience, from which she is scientific adviser and co-founder. Her work has established an internationally recognized research group in biomedical applications of metallic nanoparticles (cell tracking by magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic and photothermal therapy, tissue engineering), nanotoxicology, life cycle and long term fate of inorganic nanoparticles, nanometrology, mecanobiology of cancer and drug delivery, as well as regenerative medicine with biological or bioinspired vesicles. She has been involved in different European projects (Magnifico, Nocanther, NanoTBTech…) and more than 20 national projects.