Gerard Tobías-Rossell is a Research Scientist from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) working at the Materials Science Institute of Barcelona (ICMAB). At ICMAB he leads the research on Nanoengineering of Carbon and Inorganic Materials, NanoCIM ( Most of his research activity is in the area of nanooncology, by developing nanomaterials for both diagnosis and treatment of cancer. From the wide variety of nanomaterials available, his main focus is on the exploitation of the unique properties that both, carbon and inorganic nanomaterials offer. He has been involved in several research projects both at national and international level with universities, research centres and industries. For instance, at the moment his research activities on nanooncology are being funded by the ERC Consolidator Grant NEST and the ERC Proof of Concept TARLIT. He has also been involved in several training activities such as the coordination of the ITN network RADDEL (Nanocapsules for targeted delivery of radioactivity) focused on nanomaterials for nuclear medicine (, and was a FECYT Spanish representative of the project PIPERS on “Researcher career skills for career development”. He is also involved in a wide range of outreach activities to target the general public.